Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One of my biggest frustrations/growing phobias/fears is deciding to get some hand sanitizer, and then walking over, pushing the button, and having no sanitizer come out. I am then left with a hand covered in more germs than I had before, and no hand sanitizer dispenser/sink with soap in sight. I then have to change my plans until I find one of the two, sometimes I am late for class, sometimes I catch colds, or the flu, or mononucleosis because of this.

Actually, I have never had mononucleosis, but there is no knowing whether I have contracted the previous two from empty hand sanitizer dispensers or from something/someone else.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that just goes to show that you shouldn't ever use hand sanitizers, because it actually makes everything worse. Or use your elbow to push the button.
