Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the greenest

Happy March!!

My roommate's computer is possessed/haunted/alive. She will put it to sleep, but leave the screen up, and then randomly the screen will turn back on/light up. It's pretty freaky.

My retainer broke so I went to the orthodontist for the first time since 2004. Sadly, my old retainer will not be able to be fixed, so I am getting a new one made. I was very proud of myself, I didn't even gag once while having the impression taken. I also decided that as I am now 20 years old, it would be inappropriate to get a camo/neon colored/glitter decorated retainer, so instead I got an opaque green one.

Today I have also played wii fit, had blood drawn, visited with my mamma, had breakfast and lunch and checked my e-mail.


  1. When I was in Georgia my retainer broke, and it just so happened that the ward mission leader made retainers for a living (blessing!). He asked if I wanted any design in particular, and I said surprise me. It's black with a red hour glass, aka, a black widow retainer. You're never too old to have camo/neon colored/glitter decorated retainer.

  2. That's weird about your roommates laptop. You should really do something about that. Too bad her laptop is probably the coolest laptop in the world.
