Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yesterday, as I was walking home from my not-so-great sociology class, I had the opportunity to see something out of the ordinary. I was walking by the Tanner building(for those of you who don't know what that is, it is a big, ugly, gray business building), and just as I was going past it to make my way down the ramp, I saw what I think was a guy(they had a red hoodie on, with the hood on, so it was hard to tell for sure), start running up the stairs and then trip. Instead of hoping he was okay and offering help, all I could think was "I am so happy that wasn't me because that is so embarrassing." I am a horrible person.

1 comment:

  1. At least you didn't laugh loud enough for "it" to hear you!! I've done that before...I think.
