Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I don't even want to talk to you.

Yesterday I took my new phone back to get a different new phone because I didn't like my first new one. Now I have a better new phone that is a sweet metallic blue color. I'm stoked for it. I already like it more than my first new phone. Getting new phones has made me think though-why do we NEED cell phones? I mean, I understand having one while driving in the car-in case of an accident one can call for help, but really, we do not need phones except to call in emergencies. I have been thinking a lot about how attached we as a society are to our phones as well as electronics. The result of this thinking=the second week in January(Sunday through Saturday) I will not be using my phone for texting and I will be taking a break from FB, Blogger, People.com, Yahoo.com, YouTube, and any other recreational use.

In Short:
1. If you want to get a hold of me you need to 1. find me in person or 2. Call me.

that's all.

Happy Holidays

1 comment:

  1. Are you really going to do that? I might just text you every hour, on the hour, that whole week in protest of your protest. Haha, we'll see!! Also, I did an 18 month break from texting and all that other stuff...that was good enough for me. And there really is something to doing that. So I'm interested to see what you think afterwards.
