Tuesday, February 22, 2011

three minutes

I have three minutes left in my dinner break before I am going back to the anatomy lab to continue my studying. First, I want to make an edit to my post from yesterday. I had originally written that I have 3 finals this week. Myth. I have four. It's alright though. I will survive. I am planning on going on a study abroad next year. I just cant decide between Jerusalem or London! If anyone has any comments on that-please feel free to help me out and tell me what you think. I am excited for this week. It's going to be a hard one, but I feel confident that once it is over I will still be alive-which is all that matters...maybe.

Well, there's the bell, which means it is 6pm and my three minutes are up.


  1. Your posts make me laugh. Also, go to London instead of Jerusalem. I would be nervous about you being in Jerusalem because of all the violent people. Yes, I know that probably makes me sound ignorant.

  2. oh i just love you! i say go to jerusalem, it's more of a once in a lifetime opportunity. you can go to London again someday. But Jerusalem... idk, ya never know!
