Monday, June 20, 2011

First day of School Round 19

I think I counted that right. I have had 19 first days of school(K-12, freshman year both semesters, Spring Term 2010, Sophomore year both semesters, and now Summer term). I have had some pretty bad luck in the past for first days of school, and I didn't think I was that nervous, but I am. My sub-conscious made sure to let me know last night when I had dream after dream about school. I slept horribly. I go to Human Development tonight, and then Anatomy tomorrow. Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck!! Hope to see you soon! LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. You really have had the worst luck with first days of school!! You should make a post with links to your old posts about your first days so we can enjoy them all one after another. :) Love you!

  3. Look, I'm not good at this whole blogger idea. I don't know how to make links. I need to sign up for the class on that at BYU.
