Sunday, September 19, 2010

Don't freak out, but I just bare figured out how to change the font! Please don't have a heart attack, but we probably should mark our calendars and celebrate this day each year for the rest of our lives!!

I did want to mention that the first day of each semester is a disaster for me. Let's take a trip back through time to my very first day of college. It was a beautiful day in Rexburg Idaho(sometime around Sept. 11, 2009). I had no idea where any of my classes were. I had only been on campus once... maybe twice. Well, I was stressed to say the least, aaaand I had a broken foot. Okay, so this isn't the BEST story for a WORST day of school, but my other two get way better.

Fast forward to the first day of my second semester freshman year. Still at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. No broken foot, but I'm pretty sure there was snow EVERYWHERE aaaand it was fREEZING. I don't know exactly what happened, maybe my brain froze, maybe I'm just dense, but it wasn't until I was sitting very confused during the first class I attended that I realized that I was sitting in the correct room for my 10am monday class, but it was not monday. IT WAS TUESDAY. WHO THE HECK DECIDED TO START THE SEMESTER ON A TUESDAY??

Fast forward to the SECOND day of my first semester sophomore year.(I know I said all of these stories were about my first day, but the second day counts as the first day for me because you are still going to new classes-right? duh.) Well, I walk into my class and there are like 4 different older professor looking people at the front of the class. The classroom is in the student athlete building. The professor looking-type start talking about how excited they are to be working with freshmen. They hand out the syllabus and this is when it hits me. At the top of the first page of the syllabus reads the name of the class:
Now, it's not like this isn't what it said on MYMAP, but when I read the name of the course when registering, I interpreted it as contemporary issues that student athletes face as they play their sport... Nope. Not what it meant. The class I was sitting in was for student athletes. I. do. not. play. any. ncaa. sport. I barely exercise at all. There were a couple of things that made this experience all the better:
1. I was sitting in the seat farthest from the door
2. It was a small class (so I didn't feel comfortable just standing up and leaving)
3. Towards the end of the period, we were given the opportunity to go around the room and introduce ourselves as well as share the sport in which we participate.(making me wish I had just stood up and left. would've been less awkward.)

All in all I think I will just boycott school from now on. Or at least the first week of each new semester.

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