Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The lord's university? Really?

This year, I am attending BYU(in Provo, UT). Last year I went to BYU-Idaho(Rexburg, ID). I am just really confused because last year in Idaho everyone said that we were attending the Lord's University, but now, her in Provo, everyone says this is the Lord's real university. Now I just don't know what to think.

Enough about all of the politics. I do miss BYU-Idaho dearly, and often wonder why the heck I transferred down here. Here are some of the things I miss the very most about BYU-I/rexburg/Idaho(in no particular order):
1. The small campus
2. Living across the street from campus
3. The happy/friendly students
4. Meeting my friends at the xroads
5. Horkleys
6. Scary movie night
7. Millhollow
8. The constant wind
9. Lights on the track at night
10. All of my amazing roommates

But, there are so many things I love about BYU as well... including:
1. Getting to go home for dinner each Sunday
2. Big college-like classes
3. Going to the mall that is just 8 minutes away
4. Shopping at Target
6. I don't know if I should put this one... No curfew (well it's not enforced)
7. The Mountains (the leaves are changing color and it is beautiful!!!)
8. Seeing my cousins
10. Housing complexes that include boys and girls i.e. the boys in my ward live across the sidewalk, opposed to across the street, then across the park, then across another street.

All in all, I honestly can not compare the two schools. Each has its strengths as well as weaknesses. They both have a special place in my <3.


  1. I love BYU-Idaho, too! I also like BYU, but because I never went there...I can't compare them either. Though I will say that BYU-I definitely beats out UVU any day.

  2. OH I MISS YOU MORE THAN I MISS THE OCEAN! (don't ask.. just go with it) i love you courtney, i mean GINNy!
