Monday, March 7, 2011

What the crazy??!

My umbrella basically saved my life today. My boots did not. I remembered that I do in fact enjoy running. Chili is yummy. I am one step closer to retaking anatomy this summer. I want to paint my apartment this weekend. It's a good think I clipped my toenails yesterday. I need to go back to second grade science class when they teach about precipitation. Cafe Rio burritos are not even half as good the next day. I still like showering in the morning more. I'm getting my new retainer tomorrow. I don't enjoy blow-drying my hair, but I enjoy wet hair even less. I am excited to be a wife and mother and have my very own house one day.


  1. I feel like I've just been hit by a whirlwind after reading this post! And I thought that I was the ADD kid...

    At least you had an umbrella today. Recess duty without an umbrella = wet and cold.

  2. Um, you can't just leave us with a cliff hanger like "my umbrella basically saved my life today." How did it basically save your life?
