Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday I woke up with a day full of plans(apply for more jobs, clean my bathroom, go to the gym, etc.) It was not five minutes later that I thought I was going to toss my cookies. I was sick. I'm thinking it was with the 24 hour flu, but really I'm not sure because I'm still not feeling 100%, or even 90% today. Mom was substituting at the High school, so I was the only one at home for hours on end. Although I didn't do any job hunting or bathroom cleaning, it gave me a chance to clean all my shows off the DVR! I watched like 3 episodes of the Ellen Degeneres Show, 2 Movies, The Office, and some other randoms.


  1. I would have taken care of you if you were still my roommate. Do you want to be my roommate? Spenser and I have an air mattress...?

  2. I'm SO HAPPY you are feeling better now!!!
