Monday, October 17, 2011

Who are you Harry Potter?!

Once upon a time I was just sitting on the couch minding my own business working on a paper for school when my dear sister came in to see what I was up to.  I explained that I was editing my paper and asked if she would like to help.  She then declined and left.  About 45 minutes later I took my paper into the other room to have my mommy read it over for one last edit.  While in there Alyson asked me to text someone for her, I then explained that I had left my phone in the other room.  She replied by informing me that my cell phone was right next to me on the floor.  I picked it up and attempted to send the text, but to my surprise 30-40 of my most used contacts' names had been replaced with the names of Harry Potter characters.  It has been weeks, and my phone is still not the same.  I still have no idea who some of the characters are, and I probably never will.  Thank You Alyson.

Also, in case you were wondering, she got the idea from pinterest.


  1. i was one of those people. I never told you who it was. my bad.

    and i love alyson for actually doing this.
