Sunday, February 27, 2011

The sun is burning my eyes out.

THe above title has nothing to do with this post. It is just the sun was quite bright when I exited the Tanner building/church today.

I have noticed that in the past week I have started thinking that inanimate objects look like anatomy structures. i.e. I'm walking home from class and see a rock and think "oh, that looks like a platella." I know. It's pretty weird. I'm getting a little more nervous for anatomy because the fire marshall made a visit and said that too many students were in the open lab at a time. THis led to an e-mail from the head anatomy professor explaining that only 24 students would be allowed in open lab each hour, and students are only allowed to spend up to 2 hours in lab each week. Ah!! I have no idea how I'm going to pass this class.

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