Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The end

My summer job ended today.  I don't know if it hasn't hit me yet or if I just got so apathetic about it that I have to feelings of joy or sadness that it is over.  A little sad, but at the same time good.  It was my fifth summer life guarding.  FIFTH!!  Looking back I can't believe it has only been five years.  It has been fun, but I really don't see myself ever going back.  I'm probably jinxing myself by saying that, but really, I have NO desire to ever life guard ever again.  Unless it is at my grandma's pool and I'm life guarding my cousins.

I have blue with gold sparkles toenail polish on my toes that has been there waaaay too long.  I need to re-paint.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my toenails are stained green from the last color I had on them, so you should repaint mine too!
